Saturday, July 30, 2011

[ KPOP ] Lee Min Ho ” A Growing Storm” as the star of City Hunter

Actor Lee Min Ho (24) is a growing storm!!
The final episode of SBS “City Hunter” is aired on the 28th of July, and it ends beautifully. The viewers is giving a lot of cheers because of the growth Lee Min Ho has undertook.
In the drama, Lee Min Ho has to do a cruel revenge because of his father, he’s trying to avenge the death of a man he know as his father and doing it like a real City Hunter do, and he’s impressing the audience with his charismatic appearance. With his action scene and sharp eyes, and capitalizing on his growth, he’s gaining a lot of cheer form his fans. He’s got his fame after doing KBS 2 “Boys Over Flowers”, made him know as the “Flower Boy” but now he’s brushing his image and broadening his spectrum.
Lee Min Ho is doing a distinctive action scene. Without any specific weapon on his hands, he’s using a real-life things as his weapon, making a “Spoon Action”, “Hat Action” and “Water Bottle Action”. Lee Min Ho’s shining because of his fast ideas and moves, including his quickness.
Just after finishing shooting of “City Hunter” drama and it’s already aired, he wrote on his Me2Day account “Meanwhile, sending this because of City Hunter, thank you for loving us. I guess we could finish this because of the fans..”, seems to give his gratitude to his fans.
Thanks to Lee Min Ho, “City Hunter” has made to the top position. The mean rating of City Hunter is 18% nation-wide (ABG Nielsen Media Research), but the vest rating recorded for the drama is for the 15th episode that was aired on the 13th of July, when it reach 19,9%.
Original Korean Text:
‘이민호 폭풍성장’…’시티헌터’ 유종의 미

배우 이민호(24)가 폭풍성장했다!
28일 SBS수목극 ‘시티헌터’가 유종의 미를 거두며 막을 내린 가운데 시청자들은 특히 주인공 이윤성 역을 맡은 이민호의 성장에 박수를 보냈다.
이민호는 극중 아버지의 억울한 죽음을 복수하려 시티헌터가 돼 현실 속 온갖 부조리와 맞서 싸우며 카리스마 넘치는 모습으로 깊은 인상을 남겼다. 현란한 액션과 강렬한 눈빛 연기를 비롯해 섬세한 감정선까지 표현하며 괄목할 만한 성장을 이뤄내 안방팬들의 지지를 얻었다. 그를 일약스타로 만든 KBS2 ‘꽃보다 남자’에서 얻은 ‘꽃남’ 이미지도 털어내며 배우로서의 스펙트럼을 넓혔다.
개성 넘치는 액션 연기도 돋보였다. 특별한 무기 없이 실생활에서 쓰는 물건들을 이용한 ‘숟가락 액션’.‘모자 액션’.‘물통 액션’ 등은 이민호의 빠른 몸놀림과 순발력에 아이디어가 접목돼 빛났다.
이민호는 드라마 종영 직후 자신의 미투데이를 통해 “그동안 ‘시티헌터’에 보내주신 사랑에 감사합니다. 큰 응원 덕분에 무사히 마칠 수 있었던 것 같아요”라며 팬들에게 고마움을 표시했다.
이민호의 활약 덕에 수목극 정상을 달린 ‘시티헌터’는 이날 전국시청률 18%(AGB닐슨미디어리서치 기준)로 대단원의 막을 내렸다. 자체 최고 기록은 지난 13일 15회 방송에서 작성한 19.9%였다.
Original Source: newsnate
English Translation: Monika @

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